Welcome and visits
If you are looking for a no-frill school that offers a high level of academic achievement and encourages the pleasure of learning, please get in touch with us so that we can provide you with further information. Click to contact us !
Our priority: their well-being
Only happy pupils are capable of learning…
A happy student is one whose personal development is respected and who is treated with kindness and consistency. Their interests are stimulated without exceeding their abilities, and their curiosity is nurtured according to their appetite and personality. In this way, children can approach even the earliest stages of learning with confidence, and always with their needs in mind. Encouraged and supported, children are gently introduced to letters, sounds and numbers. From primary school onwards, the reading and science programmes encourage children to ask questions and discover the world, while basic learning in maths and languages is tailored to each individual. At secondary level, every pupil is supported to reach their full potential, and the courses are all ways of discovering the human, scientific and literary world. Our experienced teachers always find a way to encourage and support every student!

Our pride: our programmes
We obviously take into account the requirements of the French, British and international programmes, but above all we offer more and better. We offer more school hours, to achieve real active bilingualism, practised every day. We offer more science, more literature, more discovery, in order to preserve and stimulate the exceptional curiosity of childhood. We start all programmes earlier, with play and exploration, to stimulate their interest and respond to their instinct to learn. We have more specialist teachers at an earlier age, so that we can provide quality early education. Our programmes are the main reason why our pupils love their school: they feel that their curiosity is listened to, their intellectual appetite is always fed, and all their questions are answered. Fundamental learning is individualised. In short, it’s the quality of tutoring, but delivered at school.
Welcome to all curious little ones!
Our motivation: their development
The children in a class are all different. They differ in age, with a year’s difference between the youngest and the oldest. Then they differ in the speed of their development, and show varying degrees of maturity. Finally, they have their individual temperaments and abilities. With so many differences, it should make sense to treat everyone according to their needs, and to individualise basic learning. Many school systems promise this, but unfortunately the objective is rarely achieved. Genuine individualisation requires very specific organisation, in terms of practices and resources. For example, you can’t have group lessons in maths. You have to prepare a notebook for each student. We also have to stop worrying about students “getting ahead”, or threatening to skip classes. At EBSR, we have developed specific teaching practices that enable us to respect the development of each individual, and we are very proud of the results.

Our goal: their success
Success depends on motivation, and motivation depends on autonomy and responsibility. The majority of EBSR families want to give their children the opportunity to study if they wish. All our pupils are placed on the ‘pre-gymnasial’ track from the age of 11, with two years of Latin and two years of Maths-Physics (we have 4 years of Collège as in France). However, preparing students for success starts much earlier, and is particularly important in terms of enabling them to take responsibility for their own work and progress. Thanks to our early individualisation, which allows each child to work at his or her own pace, we enable our pupils to retain their freedom to act and their desire to take the initiative. They are not expected to sit back and wait for instructions. It’s true that our pupils have a great deal of vitality as a result, but what a pleasure it is to teach pupils who are responsible and partners in their education!

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Compared school systems
A family affair: teaching and multilingualism from mother to daughter...
Old dreams coming together or good timing? Tina Roessler decided to open the Bilingual School at the time when Aries Roessler undertook to write her book (in French) “Bilingual at Ten? A Plea for Early Immersion” – published by l’Age d’Homme in 2006.